Why don't we sleep:

1.we don`t want to
2.we have discovered the internet
3.we are on tokbox
4.we`re too fucked up
5.the invention of cupcakes
6.our bodies are tired, but our minds are awake
7.when we sleep, when can we stalk facebook?
8.we`re tired of dreaming
9.we are insomniacs
10.we don`t want to be alone with our thoughts and feelings in a massive bed in a dark room
11.we get back on internet after we have said 'goodnight'
12.we`re waiting on an apology that won`t come
13.we think there`s something meaningful in staying up incredibly late, when there`s not
14.we have nothing better to do at 3 am
15.we don`t want our thoughts to turn into dreams to turn into our nightmares
16.there`s no school tomorrow
17.tumblr addiction
18.we like to watch good movies at TV
19.we`re too tired to dream
20.we`re waiting for someone to say, 'come to bed'
21.too many thoughts
22.we`re reading messages
23.'cause we ain`t dead yet
24.we`re afraid we might miss out on something that will change our life
25.we`re thinking too much
26.we`re waiting for someone to talk to us first
27.we watch scary movies at night
28.we can`t stop listening to drake and nicki
29.because of xbox 360
30.because sleeping is for losers
31.we have too much to think about
32.who needs sleep?
33.cool people live in a totally different time zone we stay up to catch them
34.we slept until midday, and now we don`t want to sleep bacause we`re enough rested
35.we`re star-gazing
36.we`re waiting up for someone
37.sleeping is boring
38.there are better things to do
39.we have no bed
40.we are afraid of our unconscious minds
41.we take 4 hour long naps in the late evening
42.we don`t want to stop talking to whoever we`re talking to
43.we`re on the phone
44.we`re on yahoo
45.we`re scared that our dreams will be so much better than reality
46.because no matter how hard we try,out minds find somewhere else to be
47.there`s is not enough time in the world to sleep
48.tomorrow`s looking worse than today
49.we drink Mountain Dew in excess
50.we can have time alone when everyone is asleep

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

this reminds me of that silly joke.

Cat de mult dormi, Gigele?
3 ore.
Asa putin?
Nu pot sa dorm, chiar in toate. Mai iau si note din cand in cand. :-??

:-j. Bln

Bbiu. spunea...

:))) Maaaxima.