Shiny Girl.

For you, my dear friend. :*
Aceasta postare ar trebui sa devina indisponibila, privind circumstantele in prezent; :). (26.06.2010)

8 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Bbiu is the shiny girl the fans were wainting for. They were waiting. They are happy.
They can leave a comment.
The love Bbiu.
Now, the retreat to brainstorm for proiect la biologie.
The president of the fans,

Anonim spunea...

The fans apologize for writing with the left leg.
They love Bbiu.
The now busy presidet of the fans,

Bbiu. spunea...

Bbiu forgives her fans :*
She loves them, too.

Anonim spunea...

bln apologises again for misspelling.
I am the preSident of the fans.
.biu :*:cum se zice
.biu :*: biu iarta?
.biu :* (27/03/2010 20:55:00): forgives?

Bbiu. spunea...

You're mean. M-am incurcat in detalii.

Ioana spunea...

Inaaa e fotomodelul tau ;;)...Iar tu fotograful .Nu ?

Bbiu. spunea...


Luiza spunea...

asta mititica :x